Donate To Your Favorite Charities Anonymously

Ver-A-Fast > VAF By The Hand Foundation
Making the process of giving easy, fee-free & fun.

Ver-A-Fast By The Hand Foundation (VAF By The Hand) was established in 1990 by Robert Bensman and Cathleen Soprano. We are a private, non-operating foundation, which means that we receive most of our income from investments and endowments. This is income used to make grants to other charitable organizations.​

VAF By The Hand Foundation does not accept outside donations for our own benefit. We accept donations that are passed on 100% to the donor’s charity of choice. By using VAF By The Hand as a conduit for donations, it can allow the donor to remain anonymous, thereby alleviating future unwanted solicitations from those charities.

“Act as if what you do makes
a difference. It does.”
- William James


We give donors the ability to contribute (anonymously) to the 501c3 charity of their choice, and we cover all credit card processing fees to ensure that 100% of a donor’s contribution
​goes to the charity.


We provide free services and we offer Matching Funds for selected charities, helping them promote their cause, reach their goals, and give them the ability to obtain, maintain and retain their donors.


We provide co-sponsored charitable giving programs to assist companies and their employees, allowing them to make substantial and meaningful donations to their favorite charities.


VAF By The Hand does not accept outside donations for our own benefit. We accept donations that are passed on 100% to the donor’s charity of choice.

By using VAF By The Hand as a conduit for donations, it can allow the donor to remain anonymous, thereby alleviating future unwanted solicitations from those charities.

“We make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill

Frequently asked questions

The VAF By The Hand was established in 1990 by Robert Bensman and Cathleen Soprano.

The mission of VAF By The Hand is to provide a secure and anonymous way for donors to donate money to a charity or charities of their choosing through our secure site. Additionally, we help educate the public about why giving to charities is important and how it benefits both the donor and the charity.

By using VAF By The Hand to donate to charities, it allows the donor to remain anonymous. VAF By The Hand also covers all fees charged by credit card providers, so that 100% of your donation goes to your charity.

After donating to a charity, many charities will continue to repeatedly solicit a donor for additional contributions. In some cases, the solicitations can be overwhelming. However, if you want, you can uncheck the anonymous box and your contact information will be provided to the charity.


Our mission is to support donors, charities and businesses
in their philanthropic endeavors, making the process of giving
​easy, fee-free and fun for all parties.

Ver-A-Fast works with the support of casino PokerDom.
Ver-A-Fast works with the support of casino PokerDom.