How to Grow Your Business Using Social Media Platforms

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Grow Your Business

How to Grow Your Business Using Social Media Platforms

Here is the help full guide to grow your business by using Social Media platforms. One of the best guides on how you can promote your business by using Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, and youtube, etc.


Facebook is a user-friendly environment that requires an active social media marketing strategy in order to see growth. The very first step in Facebook marketing is setting up a Facebook Business Fan Page. Always remember that the visual component of your page is a key aspect of the Facebook experience, so pay attention to your layout and the quality of the images that you use. Facebook is known for being a place that people go to unwind and chat with friends, so be sure to keep your tone light and casual.


Instagram is the most visual platform of all social media outlets to grow your business. The whole aim of your account is to attract an audience by delivering visually appealing, high-quality, and thoughtful content. Instagram has the highest engagement rate, far exceeding both Facebook and Twitter. To succeed on Instagram, you must post content that attracts your particular demographic and encourages them to engage with your business.


Google+ initially entered the scene as a Facebook competitor, but it has since become home to a very niche audience. It won’t work for every type of business, but depending on your demographic it could be very beneficial as there are some very active communities on there. Google+ allows you to upload and share photos, videos, and links. You can also use Google+ circles to segment your followers into smaller groups, which both enables and bars information sharing depending on your preference.


Pinterest is one of the most popular and fastest-growing trends in social media marketing. Their image-centered platform can benefit any business, but is most effective for the retail industry. Pinterest allows businesses to showcase their products with unique and visually appealing Pinboards. The primary audience of this social network is female, so if this is your demographic, it would be extremely beneficial to market your products or services here.


Twitter is one of the trendier social media platforms where people broadcast short messages in 140 characters or less. You can follow fellow tweeters in your industry and easily gain a consistent stream of followers in return. Twitter is awesome for making announcements about specials, discounts, and funny quotes. They also have a “retweet” feature that is awesome for utilizing when a customer says something nice about your business.


LinkedIn is a social media marketing platform for professionals to network and socialize. They have groups that you can join within their platform based on both your personal and professional interests. LinkedIn is an awesome platform for communicating with professionals in similar industries and provides a place to share content with like-minded individuals. It is also a great tool for posting jobs, looking for jobs and recruiting talent.


YouTube is the most popular platform for creating and sharing video content, which is an incredibly powerful social media marketing tool. Many businesses aim to create video content that will “go viral,” which is something generally not easy to achieve. The most effective content on this platform tend to be instructive “how-to” videos. These highly sought-after videos have the added benefit of ranking on the video search results of Google.

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